Prolotherapy is an orthopedic procedure that stimulates the body’s nature healing processes to strengthen joints weakened by traumatic or over-use injury.
Prolotherapy (proliferative therapy), also known as sclerotherapy, ligament reconstruction therapy, and fibro-osseous injection therapy, is a recognized orthopedic procedure that stimulates the body’s nature healing processes to strengthen joints weakened by traumatic or over-use injury.
Prolotherapy Q&A
How does Prolotherapy work?
With a precise injection of a mild irritant solution directly on the site of the torn or stretched ligament or tendon, prolotherapy creates a mild, controlled injury that stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanisms to lay down new tissue on the weakened area. The mild inflammatory response that is created by the injection encourages growth of new ligament or tendon fibers, resulting in a tightening of the weakened structure.
Who administers Prolotherapy?
Physicians who administer this form of therapy are trained by The American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine. Postgraduate training is a prerequisite before treating any patient with a medical orthopedic problem, vein problem, or other condition that might benefit from prolotherapy.
Why should one choose Prolotherapy?
Joints- when ligaments or tendon attachments are stretched, torn, or fragmented, become hypermobile and painful. Traditional approaches with surgery and anti-inflammatory drugs often fail to stabilized the joint and relieve this pain permanently. Prolotherapy, with its unique ability to directly address the cause of the instability, can repair the weakened sites and produce new fibrous tissues, resulting in permanent stabilization of the joint.
What is the solution that is injected?
The prolotherapy injections contain anesthetic agents and natural substances, which stimulate the healing response. There are numerous substances, and each treating physician tailors the selection of substance according to the patient’s need.
Is prolotherapy treatment painful?
Any pain involving an injection will vary according to the structure to be treated, the choice of solution, and the skill of the physician administering the injection. The treatment may result in mild swelling and stiffness. The mild discomfort passes fairly rapidly and can be reduced with pain relievers such as Tylenol. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, should not be used for pain relief because their action suppresses the desired inflammatory process produced by the injection.
What areas of the body can be treated?
This form of therapy can be used to treat dislocation of the joints, knee pain, shoulder pain, Temporal Mandibular Joint dysfunction, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and disc problems at any level of the spine. The therapy affects only the area treated and does not cause any problem in any other area. Spider veins, abnormal or bulging veins and other similar conditions can be treated on the legs, feet, hands, arms, breast, face, and most other areas.
How often do I need these treatments?
The treatments should be administered every one, two, or three weeks, as determined by your treating physician. Vein treatments are usually scheduled four or more weeks apart.
What’s the rate of success in treatment?
The anticipated rate of success depends on a number of variables, including the patient’s history and ability to heal, and the type of solution used. In patients with low back pain with hyper-mobility, 85% to 95% of patients treated experience remission of pain with this form of therapy. In comparison, the Journal of Bone and Joint Therapy reports on a 52% improvement in patients treated surgically for disc involvement. Varicose veins can usually be 90% to 100% eliminated. Spider veins can usually be improved 70% to 90%.
Commercial Prolotherapy Physician Listing
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine
Knee Prolotherapy (Browning, 2013)
Prolotherapy Injections to the Thoracic Spine and Rib Attachments
Prolotherapy to the Low Back
Prolotherapy Injections to the Knee
Prolotherapy in Primary Care Practice
Intraligamentous injection of sclerosing solutions (prolotherapy) for spinal pain: a critical review of the literature (Simon Dagenais, DC, PhD, Scott Haldeman, DC, MD, PhD, James R. Wooley, DC)
Dextrose Prolotherapy for Knee Osteoarthritis A Randomized Controlled Trial:
The Retrospective Study Shows Prolotherapy is Effective in the Treatment of MRI Documented Meniscal Tears and Degeneration ( Hausser, MD, Phillips and Maddela)