Naturopathic Medical Clinic
West Valley, Glendale, AZ

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivities can cause obesity, chronic fatigue, migraines, aching joints, skin disorders, irritable bowel, depression, acid reflux, asthma, and more.

Showing many different foods that can become sensitives and even allergies in individuals

“Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine and Thy Medicine Be Thy Food.” ~ Hippocrates

Many of us pride ourselves on eating well, but unfortunately for some of us, we still do not obtain the desired health results we seek. In some cases, a person’s immune system may be reacting against low grade inflammation triggered by foods in our diet. Food sensitivities can cause obesity, chronic fatigue, migraines, aching joints, skin disorders, irritable bowel, depression, acid reflux, asthma, ear infections, and much more. Some food sensitivity tests only measure IgG immune response which looks at only one immune pathway and detects exposure only.

We recommend utilizing a different type of food sensitivity test known as ALCAT. The ALCAT food sensitivity test utilizes a different methodology looking at a persons white blood cellular ex-vivo response. Specifically the ALCAT test measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to foods, chemicals,environmental stimuli, herbs, and molds. Studies show that the ALCAT test to be 83.4% accurate with foods and 96% accurate in detecting sensitivity to food additives as compared to the Gold Standard which is a double blind oral challenge. Cores are given based on comparing the patient's white blood cell exposed to substrate to that of the unexposed white blood cell.

Over 300 different foods, chemicals and molds can be tested.

A customized rotation meal plan is provided for each patient based on their unique results. The results are classified as either severe intolerance, moderate intolerance, mild intolerance, or acceptable. Because what we put into our bodies is so important, it is an absolute must to find out what your body needs as well as what it does not need. The ALCAT test allows doctors to help determine the ideal diet for their patients and in doing so a road map for optimal wellness and health!