Naturopathic Medical Clinic
West Valley, Glendale, AZ

Do You Metabolize B-Vitamins Correctly?

The MTHFR gene tells the body to make enzymes to activate vitamin co-factors. This gene doesn’t always work as it is supposed to. We can help correct that.

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Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H) or the MTHFR Gene for Short

It is unfathomable how advantageous the MTHFR gene is for the body, even when at first glance it is a reminder of offensive words. Of course intelligent skeptics need more convincing, and that is why you have continued reading. Allow us to educate and assure you on how magnificent your body truly is.

Let us reminisce back to the days of high school biology and the introduction to the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all living organisms, known as the cell. According to Carl Zimmer from National Geographic, there are approximately 1012 to 1016 cells that make up the human body. (1) That’s a 10 with 12 to 16 zeros following (10,000,000,000,000 - 100,000,000,000,000,000). In other words, it is an immense amount of cells.

The cells in our bodies are the basic building blocks of life, and within each microscopic cell are it’s own organelles similar to the macroscopic organs of the human body. Remember drawing a human cell as a circle, and then drawing in the middle yet another circle, smaller in size, to represent the nucleus, the house of DNA. And then you sketched yet more shapes within the circle, one of which was the mitochondria, looking like a hot dog with a wavy condiment line of mustard. I always wondered why scientists decided to give the name of mitochondria, but then in a simplistic thought, mitochondria makes sense since it is the mighty power house where energy is created.