To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate
There is concern, and sometimes fear, about vaccinating or not vaccinating, but we can help you make an informed decision.

Dr. Mitchell on PSA Testing For Men
PSA testing has recently come under attack, as Dr. Tiffany Mitchell weighs in with her professional opinion.

Male Menopause, It’s a Thing
Aging men can regain some of the vitality, stamina and energy of youth through Bio-identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

A Breast Cancer Success Story
An Integrative Approach has helped to keep this woman Cancer-Free for over a year without Radiation treatment or Chemotherapy.

Have Fun In The Sun – The Healing Properties of Sunshine
We have all heard of the dangers behind sun tanning and the importance of wearing sunscreen, and while that is true, not enough of a good thing can be, well, bad.

Big Sugary Drinks and Your Health
Drinking just one 8oz soft-drink a day can add up to FIFTEEN POUNDS of sugar in just one year!